Pre-Order Only, for pick up at our Marble Hill store the week of 4/2/2025.
Sexed Chicks, Females
Olive Egger
The genetic selection for the Olive Eggers has been done Centurion Poultry through the Vario-Ovo project. The Olive Eggers will produce 290-300 eggs in 52 weeks of lay. This Father to the Olive Egger carries the Dominant Blue Gene. The mother is a Rhode Island Red. The Cross between the Blue Gene and Gold Gene produces a beautiful Large to X Large Green/Olive Egg. This simple cross produces a hearty hen and a voracious forager. 85% percent will be a Solid Green while 15 to 20 percent will be a light to dark brown egg. The offspring feathering will be around 80% Black carrying the color from the Black Copper Maran while 20% of the offspring will be predominantly red with carrying the recessive color from the Rhode Island Red hen.
The Friendly, Chatty Olive Egger Chicken
If variations in egg color are what you want, then Olive Egger Chickens are right for you! The Olive Egger Hens are known for producing large eggs in various shades ranging from blue-green to olive green. They are known as the only hen to lay olive-colored eggs.
The Olive Eggers Heritage
Olive egger chicks are a hybrid breed. They are recognized by crossing a dark brown egg with a blue egg. Some blue egg layers commonly used are Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and Legbars. Brown egg layers used to breed olive egger chicks include Marans, Barnevelders, and Welsummers.
The breed of the parents will determine the color of the adult Olive Egger Chicken. When Olive Egger eggs hatch, males often have a white dot on their heads, while females do not.
The Olive Egger Temperament
Because olive egger hens and roosters can have various parents, their temperaments can be diverse. Overall, though, they tend to be more mellow and docile. Even though they are quite chatty, it’s usually quiet banter, and they rarely cluck loudly. They love to roam your backyard or farm in search of treats, making them the ideal free-range bird.
." - Hillside Hatchery
- Regular price
- $5.99
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